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Friday 25 April 2014

Even If You Lose Some Weight

Even if you lose some weight, that's just a result of having emptied the contents of her stomach and "lost" weight return in the first lunch.

It's not smart enough to eat six days a week, believing that with the fast of the seventh day the situation will be corrected.

Myth: Fasting is the best way to lose weight quickly.

Under normal conditions of safety, the body can lose between 400-700 g of fat per week.

See More Here For Weight Loss:

If you are losing more than that, then the more likely you are losing water or muscle tissue. Of course that leads to lose weight so aggressive but the price can be very costly in the future.

The above value is equivalent to a deficit of 500-900 calories a day and does not make any sense to reduce the daily dose of food to increase the amount of calories.

Remember that the best way to lose weight and keep it slowly.

Myth: Three foods that make the belly grow

All miracle diets promise that you will not need to control the amount or calculate the daily intake of calories, "since they do not eat three foods that make your belly grow."

They tell you that you simply send an SMS to find out what are these foods.

Remember that the calorie count remains the most effective method and the best way to get rid of excess weight.

The body loses weight if you expend more energy than it receives. And this is an indisputable fact, violated only in case of liposuction.

THE BEST OF "FAT BURNING": The greatest enemies of the plated food belly.

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