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Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Rules Of Food Are Important For Building Strong Muscles Of The Body

Get strong muscles without gaining more weight and thus enjoy the man to health and fitness is no longer difficult to reach him.

But only to follow the man to some of the rules of basic food needed to build muscles body strong, so we offer you today through " site Eve "some dietary rules essential for building muscles body strong.

Rules of basic food to build muscle body strong: Calories:  Certainly exercise is important for strong muscles in a short time, the man's need to gain pounds of muscle every week, which requires the addition of 500 - 1000 calories per day gradually, at a rate of 10 calories per pound, but if the guy exercise exercises harsh, it must increase this rate to 17 price per pound, and through diet integrated distributor to 5 meals rich in nutrients varied.

Protein is determined by the proportion of the needs of men of protein extent of the sensitivity of the body to insulin and on the basis of metabolism and levels of body fat.

So it can be the beginning as far as at least 1 - 1.5 grams of protein per pound of the weight of the man, then you must add 25% every week if not observed Man any developments, and can eat protein through a balanced diet.

Taking into account the diversification of the sources of different protein and foremost of which is: meat Buffalo, chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs. carbohydrates:

You must consume the man at least -grams of carbohydrate per pound, and this can be done through the following system: dealing with a man and a meal of carbohydrates before exercise, and one during exercise, and after an hour of the end of the exercise, and then after 4 hours.

6 Important Tips For Building Strong Muscles Of The Body

Wished some of the men that have their bodies look the world champions in bodybuilding, making them cherish the practice exercise in excessive eating meals rich in protein before and after exercise to achieve this goal will be to build muscle.

And because we know very well that building the muscles of the body strong depends on several steps scientific, recognize together on how to build the muscles of the body strong. How to build the muscles of the body strong:

1 - It must supply the body is always balanced diet contains a sufficient amount of protein when you exercise intensely, but advised to take these quantities by natural food.

2 - The protein is a vital element is important not to practitioners exercises muscle and by, but also to those who engage in endurance exercise, and said that these people should take note that eating an adequate amount of protein, explaining that eating protein at a rate of 8.0 to 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight is enough to cover the need of athletic normal protein, but it addresses More than that, it converts the function of metabolism natural to represent the protein, which represents a problem for the kidneys.

3 - The German expert to continue eating a normal, balanced, stressing that the natural nutrition grant rights in most cases enough protein. Pointed expert that the protein is not stored in the body completely; therefore, must be present at each meal, especially at dinner; because the members of the body need a lot of this material at night.

4 - Explained it is possible to increase the amount of protein covered by the person in exceptional cases, if subjected to the burden of redundant for a short period, as is the case then participate in a contest for a marathon or during the intensive phase in building muscle, here allows people to eat the amount of protein equivalent of 2 to 3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for a period not exceeding two weeks to four at most to be back after the rapid rate of natural protein intake.

5 - when the body's building a large amount of muscle, happens to be the size of muscle fibers that contain more rules protein thicker and explained, the muscles in this case the change of form where they grow muscle tissue small, and is a source of motivation to exercise this muscle growth where this incentive urges members to absorb more protein. And the most prominent types of exercises that are most effective for this growth is what is known as group exercises burn where exhausted maximum energy performance of the muscles are.

6 - Expert stressed Mathematical Sciences that this incentive in Exercise is critical for what happens after that, pointing out that without this motivation can we eat more protein but will not grow in this case only the thighs and abdomen because the protein in excess of the body's need as well as with the stock accumulates fatty body.

Exercises To Get Rid Of Stress

Suffers most of us from the stress of physical and intellectual, and weight gain as a result of sitting for a long time without movement because of imposed our job.

But if so, the damage to health and the reality, but in order to avoid any health damage caused by lack of movement would prefer to do exercises sports, especially for prevention.

But if you lively and capable of getting out of bed in the morning without feel any hassles physical being physical as usual, there is nothing wrong, because you do not need advice or exercises the following:

All you have to do is to spend only ten minutes each day until you feel after a short period greatness.

The beauty of what you will be asked by, and such exercises will improve blood circulation and make your skin shine and will maintain your muscles supple and strong and your body taut and full of youth and vitality at the same time will increase the power of your energy to the highest possible standards.

As will those exercises on the launch shipments of tension and enhance self-esteem. As those exercises your body a sense of depression and exhaustion, and two cases accumulation of fat in the body.

The muscles will benefit in lifting your spirits and helper in getting rid of calories, which refuses to settle and accumulate in the body. Except for of tension and fat, these exercises to strengthen your muscles and stimulate metabolism to give you a body stronger beautiful and more attractive.

The following exercises are useful for reducing pain. Strengthen the muscles of the stomach excellent training to get rid of the fatty folds on the muscles of the stomach and hips and center. The training is good for softening the spine and increase agility thighs.

Endowment with spacing between the legs and make the right foot form an angle of 90 degrees, while the list of my left foot in front.

Pull your stomach muscles to the home and the extent of your arms away from your body forming a straight line, and try to catch the heads of the fingers of your right foot with your right hand.

And dress to extend your body down as far as you can. Inhale air-filled lungs and air later meanwhile lift your left arm to the maximum D can you access it. And pull your shoulder back until your fingers can be directed to the rear.

Aerobic Exercises And Their Relationship To The Perfection Of Objects

We often hear the word and many players do not understand the meaning of the word and originally understood, does not find the importance of exercise.

Aerobic exercises with the utmost importance in improving the level of the player and add details on his body and his muscles and then the symmetry of the year.

And to write on this subject several reasons.

1) Ignorance bulks the importance of this exercise and non-exercise.

2) The right way to burn fat and reduce weight and not training with weights, unlike common if you want to reduce your weight are exercises aerobics is the foundation and be exercises weights are CMOS and vice versa.

3) Try to help in the transfer of colleagues from the stage of initiation to the stage of professionalism or good practice.

4) Problems met me personally during my flight training and I cannot find the solution, but with the beginning of my practice for reap the dividends magnificent.

5) Demolition and compositions and harbingers heard a lot of non-specialists for aerobic right all kinds of activities and exercise are divided into two main types first exercises anaerobic either second is aerobic exercises.

For example, to train with weights on the way bodybuilding (lifting weights with large number of occurrences of a few in a short time) is considered

Exercises an aerobic because they are in the absence of oxygen any you to push the weight or lift it and you muffler your breath after a period of aspiratory average depth in order to succeed in performing the movement properly, which means its high intensity explosive to the muscles of the body.

So that the body is deprived of supplying the muscle that is located by training oxygenating so notes you gasping deeply after the group severe intensity where your body in desperate need for oxygen, which deprived him for a while and then to rest between the groups to pick up your breath and so can the body that gets the fuel for the process of training the anaerobic.

He shall burn glycogen and blood sugar stored in muscle, liver, and blood stream and what progress can be seen that due to this short intense anaerobic and intensity, they hinder the body taking the reserves of energy stored as fat excess in the body and this destroys slimming through the weightlifting exercises and shows the victims who go.

The Story Of The Struggle Of The Oldest Champion Bodybuilder In The World

Body building for beginner’s body building video bodybuilding exercises bodybuilding program bodybuilding body building forum body building body building and sex

After six decades of that success is still go to the fitness center, but to help his son in the management of the center and help visitors to the place in how to get muscles like that she has.

And no longer holds weights as a result of a stroke suffered last year and despite the fact that his children did not behave the way one of them in bodybuilding, but the training helped him get several awards, where he trained champion bodybuilder, while another student has succeeded in obtaining the title of champion of the universe.

The secret of his long life is to stay happy and simply deal with problems in addition to the food component of milk, fruits, vegetables and rice with lentils and thickness to maintain health, and added that he did not smoke throughout his life and never tried alcohol.

However, the only thing you regret it is not to interview his colleague, the most famous course in the universe champion bodybuilder Arnold, adding that he had seen many of the films made by Arnold and was impressed.

Having met sons and grandchildren and grandchildren of his sons in the western city of Kolkata to celebrate his birthday, which the Indian priests sang prayers in Hindu held a feast in his honor outside his home.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Your Daily Calorie Intake And Its Relationship To Weight Steadily

Spread on the Internet sites that are calculated daily need of calories, which vary by sex, age, height and weight.

Examples of site which offers a tool to calculate the daily need of calories to maintain weight, and weight reduction, and the reduction of extreme weight. The site also contains useful information on how to use these indicators, which I'll try to translate it in this post.

Calories to reduce fat

Scientifically, every pound of fat (almost half a kilogram), is equal to 3,500 calories. So we need to cut calories needed by the body by 500 calories a day even lose pounds at the end of the week.

But, in fact, not be things such accuracy!

Generally, less than the energy needed by the body as they become less mass, which means that it is inevitable phase stability of weight. Ali diet already followed to reduce weight, has now become a reason for the stability of this weight.


When calculating the daily calorie intake, always follow the quantity required to reduce the weight, not quantity requirement for reducing extreme weight, because the latter is the minimum of calories daily, and the start of the system in this quantity could backfire. Could get used to this amount and then later have to cut your calories to below the minimum.

Weight stabilization phase

With the passage of time, our bodies adapt with low quantity of calories, our bodies become more energy efficient, which means metabolism (metabolic) slower, and thus burn less fat.

This is the point where the majority of up diet to weight stabilization phase. The solution here is to stimulate the metabolism, so by:

Increasing the duration of cardio (jogging and aerobics, etc)

How To Decrease The Weight Without Sagging Get

A lot of people suffer from sagging skin during the process of weight loss, when you lose weight very quickly cause the sagging skin, and when people lose their weight quickly, tend their bodies to burn muscle instead of burning grease leading to sagging skin.

Because the fat stored in the body more of muscle, fat takes its way toward cracking and sagging skin, with age, the skin loses its vitality, thus it is difficult to enjoy the skin vital during the process of weight loss.

If you are planning to follow a diet, but you afraid of sagging skin, follow these steps:

Try not to lose more than 2-3 pounds a 1 - 1.5 hits per week, Losing weight quickly lead to starvation of the body or what is called starvation mode (which means reducing the total calories to less than 500 calories of what requested by the body) and thus burn Body muscle rather than fat.

Start an exercise program before starting a diet, because muscle burns more calories than fat, and lift weights and build muscle by dieting will help you lose weight quickly and to keep the skin free of cracks and contouring after starting the diet.

Must be included in your system mathematical exercises (aerobics - aerobic) to lose weight without sagging skin, Exercises (aerobics - aerobic) help in reducing the level of your body (cortisol), which increases the weight-loss process

Eating several small meals during the day instead of three large meals to avoid sagging skin, eat small meals every few hours helps to stabilize blood sugar level of increase and decrease in metabolism by burning body fat as well as muscle.

Selection of fresh healthy foods, especially those that enhance the level of (collagen) such as soybeans, dark green vegetables, high food containing vitamin c, seafood, nuts, salt-free. These foods contain a lot of vitamin and minerals that help to enhance the elasticity of the skin by increasing the level (collagen).

Eat fruits and vegetables, such as beets and red berries dark, they contain lycopene (a nutrient found in red fruits and vegetables), which would act as anti-oxidants.

Drink plenty of water to lose weight, and the neglect of drinking water leads to weight loss slowly.


Black tea:

Black tea is common and essential in times of cold because it soothing the throat and may have many other benefits. Black tea contains an amino acid called thiamine, which may help support the immune system.

I found a small study in the Brigham Hospital in Boston tea that helps to increase the anti-virus and which helps to fight infection in people who drank five cups of black tea a day.

Is there another benefit? Hydration is very important that if you feel the drought tea, juice and water are good choices.


Cashew is not only a delicious snack, but it is also a good source of zinc, when the level of zinc low, the immune is too low. Your body needs zinc to activate T-lymphocytes that help the immune system to respond to infection and act as a first line of defense to attack infected cells. Other good sources of zinc include: beef, chicken, grains, beans and lobster.


Although the fresh strawberries are usually spring or summer, but you can listen frozen strawberries in a cold climate during the cold and flu season.

We think often that orange only a good source of vitamin C, but also strawberries are a good source of him, it plays an important role in strengthening the immune system and helps the body fight infection. Cantaloupe and grapefruit, kiwi, tomatoes, green and red peppers also contain vitamin C.


Iron is similar to zinc can cause a shortage to a lack of immune function, which increases the risk of infection and disease in the same context, the propagation of iron could hamper the immune system, so how much you need iron?

Daily requirement is recommended for men adult 8 mg and women 18 mg for women over the age of 50 years should be reduced to 8 mg quantity. Other sources of iron: red meat and turkey and tofu, grains and lentils.

Foods Strengthen Your Immune

We cannot avoid the cold and flu season, so we must take all measures to maintain the health of our bodies.

Wash your hands and sleep for 6-8 hours every night will help in maintaining the strength of the immune system and reduce the risk of infection and there are also changes in our diet helps to strengthen our bodies in this season.

While there is no food can be protected from influenza and colds resort to follow a balanced diet that includes foods from some of the eight boosters for immunity, namely:


Yogurt with fruit pieces, pillow or shake, yoghurt is a good source of beneficial bacteria called probiotics, these bacteria are important in the digestion process. It is important to maintain a healthy digestive channels to preserve the health of our bodies in general


Clinical studies have demonstrated a small study of 146 subjects that people who eat garlic supplements daily for 12 weeks to get sick less days.


You can imagine that the skin is the most important lines of defense for the body they protect what is within us from the outside world. It is important to maintain and ensure the vitamin A found in carrots is playing an important role the vitamin

A that improves the body's immunity and deficiency leads to a weakened immune system and increases the risk of infection. So how much we need vitamin A? Advisable for adults eat between 700-900 micrograms. There are other sources of vitamin A include: kale, broccoli, squash, melons, apricots, fish and sweet potatoes.


It may be the old adage an apple a day keeps the doctor away true. Apples contain quercetin on a compound found in plant foods.

It has been proven that it helps to reduce the rates of the disease in athletes who are training exercises heavy. Foods contain: onions, tea, grapes, strawberries and turnips.

I Suffer Slim, How Do I Increase My Weight?

Why are you skinny? And when we say a person is "skinny"?

If he knew why the hero of wonder, know the reasons for thinness severe:

1. Genetic cause: to inherit the role of the thinness in some cases where a person is descended from a family where people.

2. Cause hormonal : Sometimes there is some deficiency in the work of one of the glands in the body that have a relationship in regulating body weight and fat burning and appetite, hunger and satiety.

3. Satisfactory reasons: some people become certain diseases to affect the psychology and lead to reduced appetite, or stay away from a particular food, or the inability to eat a whole sometimes.

4. Natural causes: like eating small amounts of food which leads to reduce the size of the stomach and thus sufficiency in small amounts of food, or the large number of daily movement, or frequent smoking so you should try to quit smoking.

5. Follow special diets to lose weight and keep it to limit access to the thinness and then the inability to recover normal weight.

6. Incidence of certain organic diseases such as hyper thyroid, severe anemia, certain digestive diseases that prevent the absorption of digested food, incidence of certain tumors or as a result of treatment.

7. Certain diseases psychological, such as severe depression, which causes loss of appetite, obsession that makes a patient did not feel hungry.

Thus clarity reasons easier for us to solve the problem.

If you are hormonal causes or satisfactory must go and for a nutritionist and a feminist analysis (sugar, anemia, endocrine and lack of calcium and vitamins) help us and guide us to treat medicinally and distract us medicines we need.

Write us vitamins of course take them without medical advice not from said he had bought from a pharmacy and to fit for someone else condition fit for you everybody has a need and take you to the wrong amount of redundant harm psychological reasons you need us can review aid

For natural reasons for these are returns to us, we need to change our habits and start again in a clear and permission of the One we get the weight and body to aspire to it.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Warming-Up And Important Factors Before And After Exercise

Muscle is the most neglected of the activities during all sports training. Says expert Sportswear I feel shocked at the number of women who engage in sport aerobics without never heard of, during their training with something named muscles and all the members of the body. In fact, the fundamental issue muscles to help you relax after all the hard training athlete.

Recently been talking about the seriousness of doing muscle at the beginning of the exercises on the grounds that they cause disruption, as well as severe pain later.

Therefore, more importantly, before doing any exercises Sports is conducting warm-up muscle because spend ten minutes in the warm-up exercises before doing any exercises regularly gives trainee post gradual in basic training.

Playing process heating muscle similar role to heat the car's engine to allow oil lying down and access to all parts before starting the engine

For muscles, the process of warming up grant synovial fluid opportunity for movement active in the body as it leads to the activity of the circulatory and move blood around the muscles and allows the heart to double from gradually, and to end the training, the process of cooling the body is critical, too.

The more we grew older whenever this process is important for our bodies. In fact, when we finish training without our muscles, we in fact allow the blood to gather in parties.

Permission muscle can be used to give the blood a chance to return to the members, and therefore you chance dizziness and know that acid milk that accumulates in the muscles after exercise leads to fatigue, muscle and therefore resorting to members to ease the accumulation of acid milk are great as it is necessary a lot of drinking water after training so they can flush out the toxins or waste products from the body.

Is also known that with over the years, advances in age and as a result of laziness and lack of activity accumulates collagen leading to disability movement, which makes us feel.

Therefore do body leads to a fragmentation of the accumulation and melting and to minimize its impact and as a result it becomes, we can move freely and gracefully., and then we can If fell under the office desk to be able to bend and captured easily without any hassles we encounter.

Demonstrations Of How To Eat Exactly The Body Of A Model

Eating vegetables, but on the vegetables rank some nasty way.  , to reduce weight you have body fat, round, not to look anymore.  , from the fiber, which is abundant in vegetables has many benefits.

Helps to strengthen the heart  prevent diseases  and  help to excrete  it also makes your stomach without much fear of obesity as well.  know this, do not forget to eat the vegetables together. and with it.

Shaft  with  alcohol and I know that that alcohol combinations.  , you tend to drink a lot of it is on the water too.  was hurting your puppet with.  'll  do it  which time you dine.

People  with alcohol by  the body will try to absorb the alcohol.  finally resulting digest food slower.  way this diet will go out to you.  giveaway Alcohol also hurt your health, too, and will make to  still her mind the  long forgotten it again.

Eating fat does, you heard wrong  , we tell you fat each day with it.  was because although fat is the fat.  , but our body needs It's the same with our brain is fat is reached.  70%  then  Moreover, hormone-Santos, Rosenthal, also made up of fat as well  , it is a nutrient important for us not to lose it.

Else  , and if you do not eat fat to me.  enough to eat up some time the body will hoard fat, not remove it  because I will not eat it when it is.  available this if it snaps eat pizza up a piece.  did Poor me wait  so you little  people  , but to consistently better.

Demonstrations Of How To Eat Exactly The Body Of A Model

Have you ever wondered what  you guys are handsome face robot firmware combinations too.  They are technically how  to keep in shape, see Stout, tight fitting girl scream on that level.  both  people  , it is people need to eat, to drink no different. I though of  them !  , if you want to know what it is  , try to keep in shape modeling tips took a different look  , you will realize that you do not have shares available to them as well.

Needs to eat, even slim Fit tight are you gratified exceedingly Wishlist mannequins him excellently. I  had to eat food like  this  with us, that's  not hunger thirst a bit.  , by having to eat every  five  categories  and workout supplements body concurrently with.  because if the idea is to work up a result.  bodies requires energy used metabolism as well  , so it was thought to be hunger lose weight.  quit my stupid.

Eating for real  people  , people we do not need to eat it.  3  meals though  but should eat every  other 3  hours apart  , so should divide your meals into.  5  meals  or eat meals  3  meals  and then eat the fussy during meals took it.  because this method gives you stomach is not strung hothead.  , and give your body a much protein is enough to remove. to build muscle by doing so but the complexity that is not candy sugar to give too much power, too.

Avoid carbohydrates are foods filled with carbohydrates such.  starch and sugar  counts as a destroyed robot with. firmware you have.  , so try to eat at least  a  little bit  , especially after  six  o'clock here, do not eat it  , but do not even want to play me.  because what the body needs nutrients.  5  categories anyway.

Highlight proteins

For people wishing to office share.  should eat a lot of protein.  others  , such as  meat and eggs is  because protein is an important nutrient for strengthening the muscles.  using body needs protein, approximately  2  grams per pound  1  kg,  so it uses a robot to tighten up the firmware.  Reed but remember, too, that do not just eat that. I need to eat protein along with exercise to get a result.

Self-Care Tips To Look Younger By The Simple

Despite the fact that most people will understand the rules  terms of age and appearance  as well as  these two things are what diversion change over time together naturally.

But some men also to fade. age  and does not turn and look after themselves  , but while there are some who challenge nature by keeping the young out.  , to good looks  and still look no different from the young.

I'll  do a little  listening This may cause many people I doubt not that they did it. , in these days we have good advice.  others  on how to take care of themselves youthful and easy.  'll  leave  guarantee that's how you can do it yourself and do not hurt yourself with the surgeries and trust.

Regular exercise is one thing that makes men look older.  (some people look older than their real age even. )  This is because the muscles various other bodies starts sagging nationwide as in the young. 

Others, so if you want to maintain and preserve the backlash out , no matter what the age is advanced by it for me. they should exercise regularly to keep the muscles. parts of  the  body have some function , and also helps to reduce excess fat as well. Regard should exercise for at least a week.

3 times, each time for about  30-60  minutes  ( the duration of the exercise is based on capacity. each person's body )  , then you will feel the refreshing like modern youth.

I'll  really additionally Exercise also helps reduce weight and lower the risk of various diseases.  around  with such heart disease, high blood pressure diabetes, osteoporosis, stroke , and also stimulates the secretion of serotonin, a substance that helps to relieve stress as well.

Do Not Be Afraid That No I Was Just Sitting At A Desk Exercise

If we go back in time, it will be seen that each day most people spend more time at a desk most. especially office workers who have to work with computers and documents. , and some of them fueled a hard time. to exercise or even take care of myself. thus causing a disease called. offices syndrome, but you do not have to worry about the problem anymore because today we have a workout at the work table. is there a different

Stretching from the administration of the neck by a turn to the left and right alternately until  20  times  , then switch to manage the shoulders, with rotation to the front and rear side.  Ten times followed by rotating both hands going clockwise and counter-clockwise each,  when finished, he stretched his arms to the back of you, by the two hands clasped together.  tried to put his hand to be close to the back plate.  Then I leaned forward and hold for about 10 seconds to manage the quantity of
Executive arms, legs and hips, arms stretched out to the end  , and raised his arms in line with shoulders.  , while also putting the foot to attach. close to the ground,  then tried to lift the hips up as you can balance it.  ( like squatting  on)  do hold for about  5-10  seconds  , then sit back as it was  , and then repeat the same steps to get around.

Administration and ankle
First have to warm up the ankles  , and your feet to be ready first.  , by placing the foot on the ground, tapping toes both sides, about.  10th  times  , then stomping feet on approx.  You can also use this same administration with your hands as well.

Executive arm and wrist started to sit up straight,  then placed both on the arm of your chair.  ( but see the chair of the before it is strong and stable, good or not.  moment to slip fall out easily.  etc)  and then try to lift your body up with both hands.  , where the feet are not touching the ground,  trying to hold it to be about.  5  seconds  , then Sit back, same position  , then repeat the same process over.  5-10  times  should be routine in every day.

Use the equipment for fitness in addition to physical management above.  , you may put other accessories.  was  used with them  , whether it is  water bottles or balls  to add interest in administration even more.  , such as  bringing water bottles to replace Adam Bell.  raised between sitting at the table, after learning about exercise different.  I  already  do not forget to practice with it.  , so you do not have good health coverage.  then the problem is lack of time is not an excuse to avoid the gym anymore.  most importantly, remember the good things.  Others Tell them to do with it.

Saturday, 26 April 2014

To Lose Weight Does Not Have To Spend Hours Exercising

It's a bit naive of you believe may have a cracked abdomen and fat at the same time.
While there is subcutaneous fat in the body, it will spend it in the first place and only then will you get fat from the tummy area. And there's no way to change this mechanism with no diet.
Myth: You need to run very slimming.
To lose weight does not necessarily have to spend hours and hours on the treadmill or in the pool.
The belief that if you can just running burn fat is another myth
Yes, correct cardio active fat burning, but not at the expense of consumption of calories.
The only way to truly slim down is creating negative caloric balance, i.e. to spend more power than it gets from food.
If you prefer to take an hour to spend 700 calories has to refuse a plate of macaroni and cheese - the choice is yours.
But it is easier to control the food.
While not begin to control the amount of food you eat, you cannot lose weight or have a healed abdomen. Making lists of suspected foods permitted and prohibited, as well as diets with point counts, is nothing more than a self-deception.
Read more:
Get rid of the protruding belly and visceral fat is not that difficult: just have a basic control over what you eat, and exercising at low intensity cardio several times a week.
The main thing is not to hurry and psych that will get gradual results


In 2012 fatalities were recorded (3) the DMAA (: associated with over dosage of one of the ingredients of Oxy Elite Pro and Jack3d pre-workout supplement dimity limy lamina).
This supplement increased energy levels and metabolic rate.
The cause of death was heart attack during strength training.
Apparently, the attacks were triggered by the simultaneous intake of the two above-mentioned drugs and also for exceeding the limit of the recommended dose.
Why Oxy Elite Pro is forbidden?
Although USP labs has not agreed with the theory that they would have been precisely the cause of the deaths, and the formulas of Oxy Elite and Jack3d have been subsequently altered, these additives remained prohibited for sale in some countries, particularly in Brazil (4) .
It is important to note that this ban is justified: the consumption of these drugs without medical supervision, overdose, as well as the simultaneous use of other supplements may indeed lead to death.
Consulted your doctor or pharmacist before taking this medicine
Most fat burners and "blockers calories" is pure deception.
The supplements based on iodine (Oxy Elite Pro, Lip 6x and others) are a means to quickly gain a healed body than to lose weight. Furthermore, we are talking of additives that can be deadly.
Myth: The best diet for a flat stomach Because of our genetic makeup, the belly area is precisely the main store of calories in men (women are the hips and buttocks). This means that the fat is installed in this area the last of which the body rids itself.

Localized Fat In Problem Areas

Localized fat in problem areas have different receptors that even under the action of aerobic exercise, not itself activate the processes of burning fat and blood circulation, but before the suspend.
Under the effect of the metabolism of fat cells in problem areas undergoes changes and becomes more sensitive to adrenaline released in cardio exercises. But the common fat ends up not having virtually no effect.
How to choose an effective fat burner? Ranking Fit Seven the best thermo genie and fat burners.
Supplements for Fast Weight Loss
Whatever you say advertising, burners have no ability to burn fat by themselves and their respective intake without exercise training is absolutely useless. Moreover, even is more directed to delineate the body than to lose weight.
The effect associated with the ingestion of fat burners is mainly due to inhibition of appetite (just one begins to eat less) as well as the elimination of water from the body. But after I finish 'treatment', this short-term effect quickly disappears.
Oxy Elite Pro will be the best thermo genie?
Oxy Elite Pro The drug, produced by the American company USP labs is, several years ago, the sales leader in the category and thermo genie fat burners in the United States and worldwide.
 Its main active ingredient is the aforementioned iodine.
According to Wikipedia:
According to the manufacturer, Oxy Elite Pro accelerates the burning of fat by acting on the receptors 'problematic' also fat and visceral fat. Furthermore, this supplement increases body temperature and inhibits appetite (2) .


The best thermo genie in FAT BURNING, SUPPLEMENTS
Quall the working principle of fat burners?
Does it even work? How to choose the best? The Oxy Elite Pro is dangerous for you and it is banned in several countries?
The truth about the thermo genie.
And thermo genie fat burners are one of the types of sports supplements sold throughout the world: the search for an easy way to lose weight the most, most people tend to believe in advertising any product that promises to have this effect.
See More About Burner:
In most cases, a simple basic knowledge allows us to understand that almost all of these supplements, commonly known as fat burners, have no ability to burn fat, since its main ingredient is caffeine just common.
Act as fat burners?
The ingredients of the burners are normally divided into four types:
1) Diuretics, which remove water from the body,
2) Thermo genie that increase the body temperature and, to some extent, accelerate the metabolism,
3) and appetite suppressants.
4) Component fat burners.
With respect to the fat burners components, only one has proven - mine ( iodine ) which is a derivative of Yeomen on very popular times. Apparently, this substance actually changes the metabolism of adipose tissue (1).

Visit The Link Below For More Help About fat Loss:
How to Get Rid of Belly Fat? Like Fit Seven already mentioned in other articles dedicated to the fight against fat.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Even If You Lose Some Weight

Even if you lose some weight, that's just a result of having emptied the contents of her stomach and "lost" weight return in the first lunch.

It's not smart enough to eat six days a week, believing that with the fast of the seventh day the situation will be corrected.

Myth: Fasting is the best way to lose weight quickly.

Under normal conditions of safety, the body can lose between 400-700 g of fat per week.

See More Here For Weight Loss:

If you are losing more than that, then the more likely you are losing water or muscle tissue. Of course that leads to lose weight so aggressive but the price can be very costly in the future.

The above value is equivalent to a deficit of 500-900 calories a day and does not make any sense to reduce the daily dose of food to increase the amount of calories.

Remember that the best way to lose weight and keep it slowly.

Myth: Three foods that make the belly grow

All miracle diets promise that you will not need to control the amount or calculate the daily intake of calories, "since they do not eat three foods that make your belly grow."

They tell you that you simply send an SMS to find out what are these foods.

Remember that the calorie count remains the most effective method and the best way to get rid of excess weight.

The body loses weight if you expend more energy than it receives. And this is an indisputable fact, violated only in case of liposuction.

THE BEST OF "FAT BURNING": The greatest enemies of the plated food belly.